Workforce Development

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)​

  • The WIOA program is design to help all job seekers including youth/students, veterans, people with disabilities, migrant, and seasonal farmers, Justice-Involved individuals, underemployed or unemployed, hard to place individuals, and even those with barriers getting back into the Workforce

  • This program provides range of no-cost employment and training services offered in partnership with State and local agencies and organizations through the America’s Job Center of CA (AJCC).

Benefits for Businesses

  • Staff Recruitment​
  • Labor Market Information ​​
  • On-the-Job Training ​
  • Training and Education ​​
  • Process Improvement Consulting​
  • Business Consulting ​
  • Layoff Prevention ​​
  • Free Advertisement of Job Opportunities through CalJOBS​​
  • Facilities Available for Recruitment​​
  • Human Resources Hotline 1-877-282-3763​​
  • Business Workshops ​​
  • Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)

What does WIOA Provide?

  • Services for Job Seekers​
    • Designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and supportive services to succeed in the labor market. ​
  • Benefits for Businesses​
    • Job search, placement assistance, and success to labor market employment trends and statistics. ​
    • It matches employers with skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy. ​
    • Provides opportunity to upgrade specific skills through education and training. 

Even more reasons to join!

  • Overall savings, minimum of 50% for up to 480 hours equivalent to 3 months netting businesses approximately $3,600 in savings.​
  • On-the-job-training allows business to save on the costs to hire and train new employees. During the training period, employees become more efficient, and the business receives a reimbursement for training New and in-Demand skills.​​
  • Unlimited use free HR Hotline.

How do I join?

  • Step 1: Enroll in CalJOBS​
    • We need your: California State ID Number (SEIN), a job description, along with pay rate. If there are different shifts or requirements, such as special licenses or certificates or specific skills needed, you will also need to provide that information. ​
  • Step 2: After you have interviewed your candidates and decide to hire a candidate from within this program, you will need to supply the following information: ​
    • Copy of the Business License ​
    • Copy of the Worker’s Compensation and Liability Certificate ​​
    • Completed W9 ​​
    • Vendor Direct Deposit Form 

For more information please contact

Workforce Development Events
